Upcoming Events

Offices Up for Election - 2026
Limestone County Commission Chair
Limestone County Commission District 1
Limestone County Commission District 3
Limestone County Sheriff
Limestone County Coroner
Limestone County Board of Education District 4
Limestone County Board of Education District 5
AL State Senate District 1
AL State Senate District 2
AL State Senate District 3
AL State Senate District 6
AL State Representative District 2
AL State Representative District 4
AL State Representative District 5
AL State Representative District 6
AL State Representative District 25
Questions to Ask Yourself
Let Us Know What You Think. We Are Here to Listen. Freedom isn't Free Anymore.
General Priorities
What are the top three issues you want elected officials in Limestone County to address?
How satisfied are you with the current county leadership in addressing community needs?
What changes or improvements would you like to see in Limestone County?
Do you feel Athens City and Limestone County schools are adequately effective?
What improvements would you like to see in local schools and educational programs?
How important is affordable higher education or vocational training to you and your family?
Public Safety
Do you feel safe in your Limestone County community?
What are your concerns regarding public safety in the area (e.g., policing, crime, emergency services)?
Are you satisfied with how local leaders are addressing issues related to public safety in Limestone County?
How concerned are you about environmental issues in Limestone County (e.g., water quality, air pollution, blasting, noise pollution)?
What environmental priorities are most important to you (e.g., clean water, protecting farmland, renewable energy)?
Do you support initiatives aimed at preserving Limestone County’s natural resources?
Civic Engagement
Do you feel your voice is heard by Limestone County officials?
What is the best way for an elected official to communicate with you (e.g., town halls, newsletters, social media)?
Would you like to know how to run for elected office through a workshop?
Alabama Libraries
What do you believe is the role of libraries in protecting intellectual freedom and access to information?
Do you believe librarians should be free to decide which books and materials are available in the library?
Do you feel that the libraries should be free of political pressure and censorship by a few to decide what the majority can read?
Economy and Jobs
Are you concerned about the state of the local economy in Limestone County?
Are you satisfied with the job opportunities available in our area?
Can you satisfactorily pay your mortgage/rent and buy groceries every month?
Health Care
Do you have access to affordable and quality healthcare services in Limestone County?
What specific healthcare issues would you like prioritized (e.g., mental health, prescription costs, hospital services)?
How would you rate our area's overall quality of health care?
Are you satisfied with Limestone County’s roads, public transportation, and utilities?
What infrastructure improvements would make the most significant difference in your daily life?
How important is improving local traffic flow and road safety to you?
Quality of Life
How would you rate the quality of life in Limestone County?
What cultural, recreational, or community services would you like to see expanded locally?
Do you feel there is enough affordable housing in Limestone County?
State and Federal Issues
Do you feel Alabama should have an educational lottery and have funds disbursed to taxpayers via stimulus checks? https://chng.it/YcLXFFWCrH
Do you feel that elected officials on the federal level support the Constitution of the United States and support Law and Order?
Do you feel that legal immigrants are being persecuted because they were not born in America?

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